Margaret M. Chin

Curriculum Vitae

Recent Publications

Current Projects



[email protected];(212)-772-4842
Hunter College of the City University of New York
695 Park Avenue
1617A Hunter West
New York, NY 10021

Margaret M. Chin joined the Sociology Department of Hunter College in September of 2001 and in 2006 became a member of the faculty of the Graduate Center.

She was born in New York City, and is the daughter of a former garment worker and restaurant waiter. It is fitting that her research interests focus on new immigrants, working poor families, race and ethnicity, and Asian Americans. She is currently working on a number of projects. They include: a project on the 1.5 and second generation Asian Americans who lost or changed jobs during the recent recession; an article on how new immigrant groups use the ethnic media to learn how to live their everyday lives in the US and a project on differences and similarities among Brooklyn’s Chinatowns, Flushing’s Asiantown and Manhattan’s Chinatown.

Professor Chin was a Social Science Research Council Post Doctoral Fellow in International Migration, and a Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Junior Faculty Career Grant Recipient. Her publications include a book, Sewing Women: Immigrants and the New York City Garment Industry.  She received her BA in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and her MA and PhD in Sociology from Columbia University.