Mehdi Bozorgmehr
Recent Publications
Current Projects
[email protected]; 212-650-5852
The City College of New York
370 Convent Avenue, NAC 6/130
New York, NY 10031
Mehdi Bozorgmehr (Ph.D. UCLA) is Professor of Sociology at City College and the Graduate Center (GC), City University of New York (CUNY). He served as the founding Co-Director of the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center (MEMEAC) at the GC, CUNY from 2001-2013. He is a specialist on immigration and ethnic studies, with a focus on Middle Eastern Americans. He is the co-author of Backlash 9/11: Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans Respond (University of California Press, 2009), which received an honorable mention (runner up) for the best book award from the International Migration (IM) Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and the co-editor of Ethnic Los Angeles (Russell Sage, 1996), which won the best book award of the IM section of the ASA. In addition, he has published over 60 articles, book chapters and encyclopedia entries. Bozorgmehr has received research grants from the National Science, Russell Sage, Mellon, Sloan and community foundations, as well as administrative and programmatic grants from the Ford Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education.