Lina Newton
[email protected]; 212-772-4785
Department of Political Science
Hunter College, The City University of New York
Areas of Specialization:
- American Politics
- Public Policy
- Minority Politics
- Immigration Policy
Recent Publications:
- “Congress and Immigration Reform: Is Now the Time? Extensions: Journal of the Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center. University of Oklahoma. (2013)
- Illegal, Alien, or Immigrant: The Politics of Immigration Reform (New York: New York University Press, 2008).
- “‘It is Not a Question of Being Anti-immigration’: Categories of Deservedness in Immigration Policymaking,” in A.Schneider and H. Ingram eds. Deserving and Entitled: Social Constructions and Public Policy (SUNY Press 2005).
- “Why Some Latinos Supported Proposition 187: Testing the Economic Threat and Cultural Identity Hypotheses,” Social Science Quarterly 81(1) (2000): 180-193.