Fall 2017 SOCIOLOGY Prof. Richard Alba – ralba@gc.cuny.edu Soc. 81900 – Quantitative reasoning in the Study of Ethnicity, Race, & Migration Wednesdays, 2 – 4pm,…

Fall 2016 SOCIOLOGY Neighborhoods, Ghettos and Enclaves Profs. Philip Kasinitz & Greggory Smithsimon pkasinitz@gc.cuny.edu; gsmithsimon@brooklyn.cuny.edu Soc. 85800 – Wednesdays, 11:45 – 1:45, Room TBA, 3…

Fifty years of large-scale immigration has brought significant ethnic, racial, and religious diversity to North America and Western Europe, but has also prompted hostile backlashes….

Sharon Zukin / Philip Kasinitz / Xiangming Chen Global Cities, Local Streets: Everyday Diversity from New York to Shanghai, a cutting-edge text/ethnography, reports on the rapidly expanding…

Richard Alba / Nancy Foner Strangers No More is the first book to compare immigrant integration across key Western countries. Focusing on low-status newcomers and…

Contact creimers@hunter.cuny.edu; 212-772-5444 Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute, Hunter College 47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065 Cordelia Reimers is a Professor Emerita of…

Fall 2015 SOCIOLOGY Quantitative reasoning in the study of immigration Prof. Richard Alba, ralba@gc.cuny.edu, Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00, 3 Credits The goal of this course…

Contact mpavlov@hunter.cuny.edu; (212) 772-5320 Department of Geography Hunter College, The City University of New York Personal Homepage