Multiracial Parents and Generational Change
Miri Song is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent’s School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research (SSPSSR). She joined SSPSSR in 1995, after completing her Ph.D. at the London School of Economics and her BA at Harvard University.
Her research interests include ethnic identity, ‘race’ and ‘mixed race’, racisms, migration (in its many forms) and immigrant adaptation. Over the years, she has been involved in British, European and North American research networks, including IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion), the American Sociological Association, and the British Sociological Association.
She has just completed a new book, Multiracial Parents: Mixed Race Families, Generational Change, and the Future of Race (NYU Press, 2017), which is out September 2017.
Place: The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street)
Room 6112 (Sociology Lounge)