2014 Spring
Professor Robert Smith
Soc. 85800 – Second plus Generations and American Immigrant Integration {23373}
Thursday, 11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., 3 credit, Room TBA This course examines the ways that immigrants, and especially the second and subsequent generations are integrating into American society. In particular, it asks how they engage with several American institutions: schools, the political and voting systems, socioeconomic and cultural institutions, and others. It will look at schools as institutions for inclusion/exclusion; will consider what political institutions and processes are working towards or against political incorporation of immigrants and later generations; will review how assimilation is taking sometimes unexpected turns in various new immigration destinations in the northeast and southwestern US; and examine how other institutions, such as families and their internal dynamics, affect integration and mobility. The course will give special consideration to the place of undocumented immigrants in American society. Where appropriate, comparisons to European cases will be made.
Professors Richard Alba/Mitchell Duneier
ralba@gc.cuny.edu; mduneier@princeton.edu
Soc. 82800 – The Ghetto and the Enclave {23371}
Thursdays, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Room TBA, 3 credits“The Ghetto and the Enclave.” The course will an historical and international survey of ghettoes and enclaves and address how they come about and what consequences they have for the lives of their residents. It will cover the gamut of methods that are currently used to study these topics, from ethnography to geographic information systems.
Professors Richard Alba and Nancy Foner
Soc. 85800 – Immigration in an Era of Globalization {20355}
Tuesdays, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Room TBA, 3 credits
This course will provide an overview of the literature on contemporary immigration. The focus will be on the U.S., but the larger context of South-North immigration will be brought into view. Attention will be divided between theories and empirical research, as the course considers accounts of who immigrates and why and how immigrants insert themselves into the receiving society and its economy. The final part of the course will consider the impact of immigration on future ethno-racial divisions.
Professor Mehdi Bozorgmehr
Soc. 82800 – International Migration {20356}
Wednesdays, 6:30 -8:30 pm, Room TBA, 3 credits
This course offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the key current topics and issues in the burgeoning field of international migration. The field is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, stretching from history, anthropology, demography and economics, through political science, geography and sociology. Methodologically, it is also very eclectic, ranging from the use of quantitative data to ethnography and oral history of migrants. While the course will aspire to incorporate the experiences of major immigrant receiving countries around the world, the main comparative focus will be on Europe and North America, where the major theories and key concepts are most fully developed. The emphasis is on exploring both the theoretical debates in the field and the empirical data and case studies on which these debates hinge. Attention will be paid to detailed discussions of “classic” issues of immigration, such as assimilation, incorporation/integration, the labor market, race and ethnic relations, gender and the family, transnationalism, and the second generation. Throughout, the course will take into account the way in which global cities, as contexts of reception, affect the immigrant experience, and in turn, are transformed by immigrants.
Professor Philip Kasinitz
Soc. 85800 – Race and Ethnicity {20354} Wednesdays, 11:45 – 1:45 pm, Room TBA, 3 credits
Race and ethnicity are constantly changing and evolving, yet they remain among the most persistent forms of structured social inequality. Focusing on the United States, but with reference to other multi-ethnic societies, we will examine the evolution of the concept of “race” and its relationship to racism; the heritage of slavery and segregation and their impacts contemporary life; the origins of modern racism and anti-Semitism, “scientific racism, ” why and how the salience of ethnic identity increases and decreases at particular historical moments, the relationship of race and ethnicity to migration, nationalism, colonialism and class, the growth of the Latino and Asian American populations and what that means for American notions of race, etc. In addition we will take an in depth look at how racial boundaries change, competition and cooperation between ethnic groups in contemporary America and how “racialized” minorities are (or are not) incorporated into different societies. Readings will include works by W.E.B. Dubois; Jean Paul Sartre, George Fredrickson; William Julius Wilson, David Roediger, John Iceland, Richard Alba, Tariq Madood, Alejandro Portes, Stephen Steinberg and Mary Waters.
Professor Pyong Gap Min
Soc. 82200 – Global Migration Trends: A Comparison of Four Groups of Immigrant- Accepting Countries {20357}
Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Room TBA, 3 credits
We have ushered into the global migration period since the early 1990s. Not only traditionally immigrant-accepting countries, including the U.S. and three former British colonies in the “New World” (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), but also Western European countries and three East Asian countries have annually received large numbers of formal immigrants or migrant workers/brides over the last two decades. U.S. immigrant scholars are far more familiar with immigration patterns and immigrants’ adaptations in the U.S. But it is important to compare these major immigrant-accepting countries in their immigration policies, immigration patterns and related issues. This course focuses on systematically comparing the following four major groups of immigrant-accepting countries: (1) the United States, (2) Canada, Australia and New Zealand, (3) European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Spain), and (4) East Asian countries (Japan, Korea and Taiwan).
By virtue of their advanced economies, these four groups of countries have annually attracted large numbers of immigrants/migrant workers from developing or underdeveloped countries. But there are significant differences among these four groups in immigration policies and major source countries of immigrants. These four groups also have significant differences, as well as similarities, in anti-immigrants sentiments and behavior on the part of the general public, efforts made by non-profit organizations and government agencies to protect immigrants, and immigrants’ mobilizations to protect themselves, In addition, there are significant differences among them in the degree of the governments’ expansions of multiculturalism and citizenship to accommodate immigrants. I know there are also significant differences in these three major sets of issues among European countries or East Asian countries. In fact, we will read four or five articles that have examined differences among the European countries, three former British colonies or East Asian countries. But we have to emphasize within-group similarities for the purpose of a broad comparison.
We will first compare the four groups of countries in immigration policies and patterns of immigration (size of annual immigrants, major sources countries of immigrants, and changes over time in both). We will read articles and book chapters focusing on the U.S., and then read those comparing different countries including the U.S. We will repeat the same process to cover the other two major sets of issues. In connection with the expansions of citizenship, we will also compare Germany, Japan and Korea in the differences in accepting their own return migrants. Most reading materials will compare different immigrant-accepting countries with regard to different issues, not among the four groups of countries as we like to analyze. But based on our readings, we may be able to analyze between-group differences, as well as within-group differences.
It is almost impossible to understand the U.S. government’s or another country’s contemporary immigration policy or immigration patterns without understanding the historical background. Each country has also gone through changes over decades in both immigration policy and immigration patterns in the contemporary immigration period. Thus we need to take a historical approach, as well as a comparative approach, to fully understand these various issues for particular groups of countries. Therefore, I consider this course as a typical course taking a comparative-historical approach.
Political Science
International Political Economy, Professor Xia, PSC 76300, 3 credits, Thursdays 11:45am-1:45pm
International Political Economy is defined as “a collection of orientations, perspectives, theories, and methods addressed to understanding the relations between diverse political and economic phenomena at the global level”. In this course, to zoom in on the ongoing global financial crises that broke out in 2008, a case study approach will be applied to understand normative theories (e.g., liberalism, mercantilism, Marxism, and constructivism), research approaches (global vs. domestic-level, statist vs. societal explanations), and thematic issues (production, trade, finance and financial crisis, development, and globalization) that involve interactions among states, IOs, markets and social forces in global political economy.
Government & Politics in New York City, Professor Mollenkopf, PSC 82510, 4 credits, Mondays 4:15-6:15pm
Political scientists have described New York City both as an exemplary case of machine politics (from Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall to Vito Lopez – just forced to step down as chairman of the Kings County Democratic Organization) and of urban reform (from Mayor LaGuardia arguably through Mayor Bloomberg). It is a strongly liberal city, with a large municipal welfare state and a unionized public labor force, yet mayors supported by the Republican Party have governed it for the last fifteen years. Despite having experienced tremendous racial and ethnic change, only one minority person, David Dinkins, has served even one term as mayor and no Latino has been elected to city-wide office. This course will use the 2013 city elections as a lens for understanding the construction of electoral majorities and exercising political power in this large, complex, multicultural setting. Students will read and discuss classic readings, conduct primary research, and consider New York in comparative perspective.
Social Policy & Socio-Economic Outcomes in Industrialized Countries: Lessons from the Luxembourg Income Study, Professor Gornick, PSC 83502 (cross-listed with SOC 85902), 4 credits, Wednesdays 4:15-6:15pm
This course will provide an introduction to cross-national comparative research based on microdata (data at the household and person level) available from LIS. LIS is a data archive and research center located in Luxembourg, and with a satellite office at CUNY. LIS houses two databases: the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database and the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) Database. The LIS Database contains over 200 microdatasets from more than 40 high- and middle-income countries; these datasets include comprehensive measures of income, employment, and household characteristics. The LWS Database – a smaller, companion database – provides microdata on wealth and debt. For the list of countries, see:
http://www.lisdatacenter.org/our-data/lis-database/documentation/list-of-datasets/ and http://www.lisdatacenter.org/our-data/lws-database/documentation/lws-datasets-list/
Since the mid-1980s, the LIS data have been used by more than 4000 researchers – mostly sociologists, economists, and political scientists – to analyze cross-country and over-time variation in diverse outcomes such as poverty, income inequality, employment status, wage patterns, gender inequality, and family structure. Many researchers have combined LIS’ microdata with various macrodatasets to study, for example, the effects of national policies on socioeconomic outcomes, or to link micro-level variation to national-level outcomes such as immigration, child wellbeing, health status, political attitudes, and voting behavior. A newer body of research has used the LWS data to study a multitude of questions related to wealth and debt holdings.
The course has two goals: (1) to review and synthesize 30 years of research results based on the LIS data (and, more recently, the LWS data); and (2) to enable students with programming skills (in SAS, SPSS, or Stata) to carry out and complete an original piece of empirical research. The LIS/LWS data are accessed through an internet-based “remote execution system”. All students are permitted to use the LIS microdata at no cost and without limit. The course will require a semester-long research project. Students with programming skills (which will not be taught in the course) will be encouraged to complete an empirical analysis, reported in a term paper ultimately intended for publication. Students without programming skills will have the option to write a synthetic research paper. A minimum requirement is the capacity to read articles that present quantitative research results.
Politics of Identity, Professor George, PSC 77903 (cross-listed with WSCP 81000), 3 credits, Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
This course focuses on the politics of ethnicity and nationalism, with a comparative focus. We will investigate theoretical arguments regarding the roots and power of ethnic identity and the ways that such identification enters into the political sphere. We will analyze arguments about whether and how ethnic diversity might affect political competition and conflict. The course will examine general theories and then also hone in on identity politics in particular geographic regions including, but not limited to postcommunist Europe and Eurasia, Latin America, and South Asia. Students will also have an opportunity to read further on geographical areas of their own scholarly interest. In addition to being a course on the subject matter of identity, students will hone their analytical skills through close readings of texts and examination of how authors construct and implement their research agenda.
Students will read the equivalent of a book per week as well as prepare written reading analyses and questions. Students will lead the discussions. There will be two exams in the course.
Fall 2012
Professor Richard Alba, Soc. 84600 Quantitative reasoning in the study of immigration {19155} Tuesdays, 2:00 – 4:00, Room TBA, 3 Credits
The goal of this course is a sophisticated understanding of the application of some of the advanced techniques of multivariate analysis. We will not concern ourselves very much with the statistical theory behind the techniques; rather, our concern will be with their implementation in real-world research—the situations where they are appropriate, the decisions that go into using them, pitfalls in their application, and the interpretation of the results they produce. The examples will be drawn throughout from contemporary research in the study of race, ethnicity, and immigration.
Professor Deborah Balk, Soc. 81900 – Spatial Demography (Special Topics in Demography {18870} Thursdays 4:15 – 6:15.room TBA, 3 credits
This course provides an overview of spatial themes and techniques in demography. Examples will be drawn from many substantive areas (e.g., mortality, fertility, urbanization, migration, poverty). Students will learn about spatial construction of place, basic mapping skills and spatial data creation as well as statistical methods to explore and model spatially-referenced data to answer demographic questions. In the most advanced topics, students examine the special difficulties that spatial data may create for standard regression approaches, and learn models and approaches for undertaking multivariate regression analysis in the presence of spatial heterogeneity and/or spatial dependence. Emphasis in the course is evenly split between learning how to make maps and spatial analysis. Pre-requisite: DCP 701 and introductory statistics including multiple linear regression, or permission of instructor.
Professor Ana Ramos-Zayas, Soc. 82100 – Latinos in the United States {19246} Thursdays 4:15 – 6:15.room TBA, 3 credits
Students will analyze the central themes and paradigms in the field of Latino/a Studies, while examining the diverse historical, social, and political experiences of Latino populations in the U.S. We will situate Latina/o Studies within a genealogy and intellectual tradition of critical race theory and comparative ethnic studies, while analyzing seminal scholarly works in the humanities and social sciences with a particular engagement with social theory in Sociology and Anthropology. Through a thematic focus, students will examine the broader theoretical frameworks that inform Latino Studies and Latino ethnography. The course may serve as an intellectual roadmap for students doing graduate work in various disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, and who are interested in pursuing research topics in Latina/o, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies.
Professor Bryan Turner, Soc. 84600 – Citizenship and Human Rights {18873} Tuesdays, 11:45 – 1:45pm, Room TBA, 3 Credits
The course is divided in two sections, staring with citizenship and its recent critics, and then moving on to human rights and its critics. We finish with some consideration as to whether these two different forms of rights could be combined. Citizenship as a principle of inclusion is criticised because it cannot cope adequately with globalization (including migration, refugees, asylum seekers and so forth). Some sociologists believe we can modify citizenship to develop flexible citizenship or semi-citizenship or post-national citizenship. Human rights are seen to be more relevant to a global world but critics note that they are enforced by states, and require the resources made available by states. The course looks at the apparent decline of welfare states and citizenship with neo-liberal economics and neo-conservative politics. We also examine differences between the American tradition of civil liberties and European welfare states. Other topics include aboriginal or first nation rights, migration and citizenship, ageing and health rights. We look at different forms of citizenship in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. The course concludes by considering the contemporary limitations of both citizenship and human rights traditions with respect to authoritarianism, genocide, and new wars.
ANTH 82100 – Latinos in the US GC: R, 4:15 – 6:15 p.m., Rm. 6493, 3 credits, Professor Ramos-Zayas, [19765] Cross listed with SOC 82100.
ANTH. 72100 – Being & Becoming in Latin America, GC: T, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. 6421, 3 credits, Professor Collins, [19018]
Introduction to Demography – 19008 – DCP 70100 – GC GC: R, 11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., 3 credits, Professor Jenn Dowd
This course will review the demographic, social, and economic determinants of fertility, health, mortality and related demographic aspects, and the effects of population size, composition, and structure on social and economic conditions. Each week will focus on the predominant themes in these subareas of demography. Topics will include, among others: demographic transition; aging and mortality; fertility, family planning, and reproductive health; urbanization; migration; family demography to include marriage, living arrangements, and family structure; population and environment; consequences of population growth for economic development; and the demographic future.
Selected Topics in Demography: Spatial Demography – 19009 – DCP 80300 – GC: R, 4:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m., 3 credits, Professor Deborah Balk
This course provides an overview of spatial themes and techniques in demography. Examples will be drawn from many substantive areas (e.g., mortality, fertility, urbanization, migration, poverty). Students will learn about spatial construction of place, basic mapping skills and spatial data creation as well as statistical methods to explore and model spatially-referenced data to answer demographic questions. In the most advanced topics, students examine the special difficulties that spatial data may create for standard regression approaches, and learn models and approaches for undertaking multivariate regression analysis in the presence of spatial heterogeneity and/or spatial dependence. Emphasis in the course is evenly split between learning how to make maps and spatial analysis.
ECON86100 – International Trade Theory and Policy, GC: T: 9:30 – 11:30 AM, 3 credits, Professor Ortega
ECON 87200 – Labor Economics II, GC: R: 11:45 AM – 1:45 PM, 3 credits, Professor Jaeger
This course focuses on the working of labor markets and their interaction with various institutions. As much of the analysis in labor economics relies on an understanding of supply and demand of labor, we will first lay a foundation of these concepts. During and following this discussion, we will address various topics, such as the impact of the welfare system; labor as a “fixed” input; market equilibrium and job search; occupational safety and health; compensating wage differentials; and earnings risk.
Hist. 80000-Literature of Latin American History l: The Latin American City GC: T, 4:15-6:15 p.m., 5 credits, Professor Amy Chazkel, Room 5212
Hist. 77300-Rural History of Latin America and the Caribbean GC: Th, 6:30-8:30 p.m., 3 credits, Professor Laird Bergad, Room 5212
Comparative Politics of Asia, Professor Sun, PSC 87630 [19098], 4 credits, Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:30pm
This seminar will look at the major research questions, theories and approaches of comparative politics as applied in the Asian context, as well as those developed out of it. Broad issue areas include the interactions between historical experiences and contemporary trajectories, economic and political modernization, domestic development and the global economy, state and society, political regimes and political institutions, mass participation and contentious politics, cultural values and political change, as well as ethnic and identity politics. Our geographical range will mainly be East Asia, especially China. Assignments include approximately one book per week, and a research paper or analytical book reviews.
International Human Rights & Humanitarian Affairs, Professor Andreopoulos, PSC 86403 [19095], 4 credits, Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:30pm
This course will focus on key concepts in human rights and humanitarianism, and examine their analytical value in the context of varying approaches towards the promotion and protection of internationally recognized human rights and humanitarian norms. In particular, the course will examine these concepts in light of (a) the recent debates in international relations theory on the role of ideas and norms, and the intersections between international relations and international law research agendas; and (b) the growing convergence between international human rights law and international humanitarian law. It will assess the impact of normative considerations, as well as the role of the relevant state and non-state actors on a whole set of critical issue areas including discrimination, accountability, human protection, political membership, human development, and legal empowerment. The course will conclude with a critical discussion of recent initiatives in UN-led human rights reform.
Comparative Foreign Policy, Professor Braveboy-Wagner, PSC 86105 [19085], 4 credits, Mondays 4:15 – 6:15pm
Foreign Policy Analysis is one of the most popular subfields of international relations. Even though you can rational and positivist approaches have predominated in the field in the US, elsewhere a generous dose of comparative “area studies” ethnography as well as increasingly popular constructivist and critical thinking have invigorated the field. In this course we first ask how is the study of foreign policy different from international relations as a whole (some constructivists think it should not be)? We then walk through the movement from Comparative Foreign Policy to FPA. From there we move into substantive areas: what are the influences on foreign policy at the individual, state and system levels? What goes on in that “black box” of decision making? What happens before and after a decision is made? What is the role of the bureaucracy? What is the role of non-state actors? What is the relationship between “diplomacy” and foreign policy? Finally, let’s compare U.S. foreign policy with that of other selected countries and regions? What differences are there in both substance and influences? Why? These are some of the questions discussed in this course.
Spring 2012
Professors Richard Alba and Nancy Foner Soc. 85800, Issues in Contemporary Immigration {18113} Tuesdays, 4:15 – 6:15 p.m.
The recent – and massive – immigration in the past few decades is transforming the wealthy societies of the West. It is also transforming the study of immigration. By now, there is a substantial, and growing, scholarly literature on immigration as sociologists, along with social scientists in allied disciplines, grapple with the complexity of the subject. This course will examine some of the key issues in the study of contemporary immigration, primarily focusing on the United States but also looking at Western Europe. Among the questions we will explore: What are the new conceptualizations of assimilation that have been put forward and how do they advance the field? Can the study of immigration in the past illuminate the present? What are the consequences of transnational ties and do they persist among the second generation? How is immigration changing the social construction of race and ethno-racial relations in the United States? What difference does gender make? How different are new destinations in the United States from old immigrant gateways? What can we gain by comparing U.S. immigration to the recent influx in western Europe? Students will critically discuss and prepare comments on relevant works in the immigration field and write a final research paper.
Professor Donald J. Hernandez Soc. 83105 – Diverse Children & Current National Policy Debates {17549} Mondays, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Children depend almost completely on their families and governments for resources essential to their immediate survival, and to their successful development and well-being. The fundamental rights set forth in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) include the rights to an adequate standard of living, to an education directed toward the development of the child’s fullest potential, to the highest attainable standard of health, and to his or her own cultural identify and the use of his or her own language. The CRC also asserts that these rights shall be ensured by governments irrespective of the child’s race, ethnicity, national origin, or language. Children in the United States are particularly diverse with regard to these statuses, yet the United States is only one of two nations (the other is Somalia) that has not ratified the CRC. Moreover, children in the United States experience the highest poverty rates among affluent nations, they experience great inequalities in access to quality education and health insurance, and nearly one-in-four have immigrant parents, often from Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, or Africa. These facts provide the impetus for this course, which focuses on historical revolutions in family composition, work, and poverty, on the consequences of these transformations for children’s development and well-being, and on historical and contemporary change in public welfare, education, health, and immigrant integration polices. The course looks at these in the context of the role of the social sciences, and through the lens of international comparisons. Finally, the course focuses on the foundations of conservative and liberal ideologies and provides the occasion to debate current approaches to national policy from both perspectives.
Professor Pyong Gap Min Soc. 82800 – Asian Americans {17541} Wednesdays, 6:30 -8:30 p.m. 1.
The main objective of this course is to provide an overview of Asian American experiences by covering Asian Americans both as a whole and major Asian ethnic groups separately. 1. Major Asian American groups to be covered separately are Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, South Asian, Korean, and Southeast Asian (Indo-Chinese). 2. General topics to be covered are immigration (history and contemporary trends), settlement patterns, socio-economic adjustment, prejudice and discrimination, family and gender issues, community organization, ethnicity (ethnic attachment, ethnic identity, and ethnic solidarity), and intergenerational transition. 3. Specific topics and theories to be covered include the following: the model minority thesis, pan-Asian ethnicity, multiracial Asian Americans, Asian Americans’ positioning in U.S. race relations, the effects of globalization on Asian immigration patterns, Asian Americans’ transnational ties, Asian Americans’ political development, Korean-Black conflicts, the effects of gender role changes on Asian immigrants’ marital conflicts, second-generation Asian Americans’ ethnic identity and socioeconomic attainment, and the effects of 9/11 on South Asian Americans. 4. Students will look at fresh data on Asian American experiences derived from the 2000 and 2010 Censuses and recent American Community Surveys and recent research findings. 5. Students will discuss major issues related to Asian American experiences and review a comprehensive literature on Asian American experiences. These components of the course will help doctoral students to decide dissertation topics related to Asian American experiences.
Fall 2011
Professor Mehdi Bozorgmehr Soc. 82100 – Middle Eastern Diasporas {16002}
Middle Easterners have been coming to America since the 19th century, but their influx has gained momentum in the last three decades. According to the 2008 American Community Survey released by the U.S. Census, over 2.9 million Americans trace their ancestry to the Middle East. Middle Easterners are the least studied of all major American ethnic groups. Many negative stereotypes (e.g., terrorists, Muslim fundamentalists, hostage takers) are associated with this minority, reinforced by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This year marks the tenth anniversary of 9/11, making this course even more pertinent. Middle Easterners are among the most diverse of the major ethnic groups in the U.S. and such simplistic stereotypes ignore this diversity (e.g., most Arab Americans are not Muslim). The Middle Eastern American experience is conspicuously absent from courses on immigration and ethnic studies in sociology, anthropology, history and other departments. This course fills this gap by examining the adaptation of Middle Easterners in American society and other host societies. Thus, it will take a comparative approach, first examining all major ethnic groups of Middle Eastern origin, including but not limited to Arabs, Armenians, Iranians, Israelis and Turks; and of course, Muslims and religious minorities. Secondly, the Middle Eastern American experience will be compared and contrasted to those of other regions such as Europe, where they are the largest immigrant group. The interests of students in specific regions and groups will be taken into consideration. The following topics will be covered in this course: • Diaspora and Transnationalism • Theories of assimilation and their application to Middle Easterners in the USA • Exiles (political refugees) vs. economic migrants • Economic adaptation (professionals and entrepreneurs) • Gender and the family • Religion • Ethnicity and ethnic identity • The second generation • Exile politics • Post-9/11 backlash against Middle Easterners and their response
Professor Robert Smith Soc. 82300 – Immigration and American Institutions {16189}
This course examines the ways that immigrants, and especially the second generation, engage with several American institutions: schools, the political and voting systems, socioeconomic and cultural institutions, and others. The course will analyze how immigrants and the second generation are integrating into American society. Specifically, it will look at schools as institutions for inclusion/exclusion; will consider what political institutions and processes are working towards or against political incorporation of immigrants and later generations; will review how assimilation is taking sometimes unexpected turns in various new immigration destinations in the northeast and southwestern US; and examine how other institutions, such as families and their internal dynamics, affect integration and mobility. The course will give special consideration to the place of undocumented immigrants in American society. Where appropriate, comparisons to European cases will be made.
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